2014年3月25日 星期二

Charity Sale at NEHS

Charity Sale at NEHS

About NEHS

March 23, 1982 Kuo-Ting Li , the then Minister of the Executive Yuan, chaired a special meeting, during which the proposal of establishing National Experimental High School at the Science-based Industrial Park was formally approved by representatives from the Ministry of Education, National Science Council, academic and research institutions, as well as universities in the neighborhood of the Science Park.

June 1982 Preparatory committee was formally established.

August 1983 National Experimental High School at the Science-based Industrial Park was formally founded. Deputy Director Ning-Ruo Chu of Park Administration served concurrently as the first principal of the school. The first enrollments included one senior high class, three junior high classes, and three bilingual classes with one kindergarten class. 

March 1, 1984 The Ministry of Education appointed Mr. Yu-Cheng Chang as the second principal to replace Mr. Ning-Ruo Chu who had resigned. The Elementary Department was established in August the same year. 

September 1988 Principal Yu-Cheng Chang’s resignation was approved. Mr. I-Ming Chiu was then appointed by the Ministry of Education as the third principal. After Chiu retired in February 1995, Dean of Academic Affairs Hsiao-Yin Tai served as acting principal. 

July 1995 A committee made up of representatives from the Ministry of Education and the National Science Council, as well as scholars, parents, and teachers, elected Dr. Li-Ming Tai as the fourth principal through an open process, which was the first case of its kind in this country.

‧ 一九八二年三月廿三日,由李國鼎先生在行政院政務委員任內,召集教育部、國科會、學術研究機構及
 附近大學代表,會商決議成立 「國立科  學工業園區實驗高級中學」。

‧ 一九八二年六月奉准籌備。

‧ 一九八三年八月正式成立,首任校長由園區管理局瞿副局長寧若兼代,招收高中部一班,國中部三班,

‧ 一九八四年三月一日瞿校長寧若奉准辭兼,教育部派張玉成先生為校長,同年八月增設國小部。

‧ 一九八八年九月,張校長奉准請辭,教育部派邱億明先生就任第三任校長,八十四年二月一日,邱校長

‧ 一九九五年七月七日,全國首次由教育部、國科會及學者、家長、教師代表所組成之校長遴選小組, 選

‧ 二零零三年八月八日,戴校長服務屆滿,吳榕峰先生就任第五任校長。
‧ 二零零九年八月三十一日,黃芳芷女士就任第六任校長。


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